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  • Restaurant M&A : GPBM is constantly engaged in the the process of acquiring restaurants. This velocity of deal flow gives our clients the advantage of acquiring quality assets at a fair price. Our Buy Right philosophy insures we maintain the upper hand in the acquisition process. GPBM’s velocity of deal flow allows it to go under contract with new acquisition candidates, with minimal lost time, if we decide to terminate a transaction because of what we discovered during the due diligence process.  This is our Buy Right advantage.

  • Restaurant Management : GPBM offers a comprehensive array of management and administrative services for its clients.  Since GPBM is co-owner in the businesses it manages, its services do not add cost burden to the operation. GPBM's compensation is generated from its pro rata share of distributable cash flow from each business.

  • Restaurant Valuation : If a client is considering a potential sale, working through ownership changes, requires a business valuation for tax or estate planning our constant investment in restaurant businesses gives us significant data points and credibility in determining the fair market value of a restaurant business.